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User types

🔎Find it: FusionReactor > Account > Users

FusionReactor Cloud has five types of user:

  • Account Admin

  • Account Manager

  • Account User

  • Account Observer

  • Business contact

The account types have a hierarchical structure and each level above Observer inherits from the level below.

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Users types

Manage existing users

Administrators can create, edit, and remove users.

Adding new user

🔎Find it: FusionReactor > Account > Users > Add user

1) To add a user, select Add user.


2) The following screen is displayed:


3) Complete the input boxes for Email, First name and Last name.

4) Use the Role dropdown to select the account type.

5) When all details are completed, select Add user at the bottom of the screen.

Edit existing users

1) To edit existing users, click on the three vertical dots to the right of the user name.


2) Select the Edit icon.

3) The Update details screen is displayed.

4) Make any changes and select Save at the bottom of the screen.

Remove user

1) To delete a user, click on the three vertical dots to the right of the user name.


2) Select the Delete icon.

3) The following warning is displayed:


3) Select Ok to delete user.

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