Third Party Licenses¶
Intergral Information Solutions GmbH, Im Hoelderle 3, 72224 Ebhausen.
These notices and/or additional terms and conditions are made a part of and incorporated by reference into such product’s End User License Agreement
Description | License Type | Component |
JavaBeans Activation Framework | Sun Activation | activation.jar |
JavaMail API | Sun Mail | mail-1.6.2.jar |
Apache Collections | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Apache Collections |
Apache Felix | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Apache Felix |
Apache HTTPClient | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Apache HTTPClient |
HTTPClient | lgpl 2.1 | HTTPClient |
json-simple | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | json-simple |
ASM | asm project license | ASM |
jQuery | jQuery MIT LICENSE | jQuery |
json2.js | json2 js PUBLIC DOMAIN | json2 |
hogan.js | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | hogan.js |
Bootstrap | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Bootstrap |
mustache.js | mustache MIT LICENSE | mustache.js |
spectrum.css | spectrum css LICENSE | spectrum.css |
episodes | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | episodes |
jquery-outside-events | jquery outside events LICENSE MIT | jquery-outside-events |
font-awsome | font awesome | font-awsome |
Hyperic Sigar | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | sigar-1.6.4-native.jar |
Joda Time | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Joda Time |
JFreeChart | lgpl 2.1 | JFreeChart |
Java-WebSocket | websocket license | Java-WebSocket |
metrics-core | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Metrics Core |
Groovy | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Groovy |
Procyon | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Procyon |
ognl | OGNL | OGNL |
netty | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | netty |
SlickGrid | MIT LICENSE | SlickGrid |
jquery-datapicker | jquery datapicker license | jquery-datapicker |
clipboardjs | MIT LICENSE | clipboard.js |
D3: | Data-Driven Documents D3 | d3.js |
Snappy Java | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Snappy |
Protobuf Java | Protobuf LICENSE | Protobuf Java |
Loki | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Logproto |
GoGoProto | Protobuf LICENSE | GoGoProto |
OpenTelemetry | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | OpenTelemetry |
Prometheus JVM Client | APACHE LICENSE 2.0 | Prometheus JVM Client |