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Environment variables

To add integrations without being prompted for credentials, there are several environment variables you can use:


Variable Type Description
api_key string API Key to authenticate with your FusionReactor Cloud Account. Generate an API key.
metricsEndpoint string Default:
logsEndpoint string Default:
logs_user string Username to authenticate with your FusionReactor Cloud Account (observability-agent-flow only)

Metric exporters

Variable Type Description
mysql_user string User for the local Mysql database
mysql_password string Password for the local Mysql database
mysql_disabled bool Enables/Disables the Mysql exporter (enabled by default)
mssql_user string User for the local Mssql database
mssql_password string Password for the local Mssql database
mssql_disabled bool Enables/Disables the Mssql exporter (enabled by default)
postgres_user string User for the local Postgres database
postgres_password string Password for the local Postgres database
postgres_disabled bool Enables/Disables the Postgres exporter (enabled by default)
rabbitmq_disabled bool Enables/Disables the RabbitMQ exporter (enabled by default)
redis_disabled bool Enables/Disables the Redis exporter (enabled by default)
elasticsearch_user string User for the ElasticSearch instance (observability-agent-flow incompatible)
elasticsearch_password string Password for the ElasticSearch instance (observability-agent-flow incompatible)
mongodb_user string User for the local Mongo database
mongodb_password string Password for the local Mongo database
oracledb_user string User for the local Oracle database
oracledb_password string Password for the local Oracle database

Exporting metrics from external machines

To replace these with a custom connection string, there are several environment variables you can use:

Variable Type Example (Defaults)
mysql_connection_string string <username>:<password>@(<host>:3306)/
mssql_connection_string string sqlserver://<username>:<password>@<host>:1433
postgres_connection_string string postgresql://<username>:<password>@<host>:5432/shop?
rabbitmq_scrape_target string <host>:15692
redis_connection_string string <host>:6379
kafka_connection_string string ["<host>:9092"]
elasticsearch_connection_string string http://<username>:<password>@<host>:9200
mongodb_connection_string string mongodb://<username>:<password>@<host>:27017/
oracledb_connection_string string oracle://<username>:<password>@<host>:1521/ORCLCDB

RabbitMQ requires an internal exporter to be enabled.

Learn more


mongo_connection_string is incompatible with static.

Log exporters

If you wish to enable log collection, the following environment variables must be set:

Variable Type Description
log_collection bool Enables log collection
service_name string Set a name for your log collection service
log_path string Set a file path for your log collection service

Scraping from additional exporters

At present, there are some integrations we don't support out-the-box. Use of these integrations is via a scrape endpoint. To scrape these exporters, you can use the following environment variables to set a list of exporters and their corresponding endpoints to be scraped.


The list must be wrapped in double quotes and each value must be separated by a comma and a space.

Variable Type Example Description
scrape_targets string "nginxexporter:9113, iisexporter:1234" List of endpoints for the exporters

.Env files

If you wish to use an environment file to set environment variables, rather than setting them as system environment variables, name the file ".env" and place it in the same directory as the "observability-agent-autoconf" script.

Example ".env" file:


Custom integrations

We plan to continually add integrations. Should you require a specific integration, please contact us through the chat bubble and we'll see what we can do.

Need more help?

Contact support in the chat bubble and let us know how we can assist.