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Local install using code snippets


The Observability Agent, an open source autoconfiguration and installation tool, is a wrapper for the Grafana Agent that can install the agent, detect which services are running on your machine, and automatically create a configuration file with integrations for detected services.


A Node/Windows exporter integration will be added by default.


If you aim to monitor external systems or script the installation variables, utilizing environment variables is necessary.


For Unix machines, the script will have to be run with root privileges, otherwise you will be prompted for your password during execution.

Windows machines must have Powershell 5.1 or later installed.

MacOS is not currently supported.

The script will automatically detect what is running on your machine and add integrations to the config file. Each service requiring an integration must be running on its default port. These are:

Integration Default port
MySQL 3306
MSSQL 1433
Postgres 5432
RabbitMQ 5672
RabbitMQ Exporter 15692
Redis 6379
Kafka 9092
ElasticSearch 9200
Mongo 27017
Oracle 1521



The Static Mode installer has been deprecated in favour of a Flow Mode installer.


To download and run the installer, in a terminal, run:

curl -O -L ""
chmod a+x ""
sudo /bin/bash


To download and run the installer, open powershell admin terminal, navigate to your desired download folder and run:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "observability-agent-autoconf.ps1"


The installer for Windows assumes you are installing the Grafana Agent in the default location on the C drive. This is required for the config file to be placed in the correct location for the Grafana Agent to read it.


Agent installation is enabled by default.

Run without the agent installed

To run without installing the agent, add --install false to the end of the run command.


sudo path/to/ --install false`

Modify a pre-existing config file

To modify a pre-existing config file, add --config.file, followed by the path to the file, to the end of the run command.


sudo path/to/ --config.file path/to/configfile`


A backup of your original file will be created.

Using both install & config.file options

It is possible to use both --install and --config.file options in the same run command - the order is irrelevant.


sudo path/to/ --install false --config.file path/to/config 

sudo path/to/ --config.file path/to/config --install false